There is much discrimination in our society based on economic condition, gender, caste, age, educational qualification etc. We believe that being treated equally with dignity is the basic thing one should expect from the society. With a vision of a transformed society built on equity, dignity and peace Rupantaran Foundation was formed in 2009 as not for profit, non-governmental organization. The word ‘Rupantaran’ literally means ‘the process of positive transformation’. As our name suggests we are facilitating an empowering process of transformation towards equality, dignity and peace with the disadvantaged people to shape a just, equitable and nonviolent world.
At Rupantaran, we work on the issues of gender equity, child protection, livelihoods promotion, education, health and nutrition. Rupantaran engages with youth, adolescents, women, marginalised communities, government bodies, institutions and partner organisations to become responsible social change agents for themselves and their surroundings.
We are working directly in West Bengal, focusing on Indian Sundarbans and in West Bengal and other states of India as technical support organisation.
Our Vision:
A transformed society built on equity, dignity and peace.
Our Mission
Our mission is to enable social justice and equity for women, children, youth and other marginalised sections by promoting leadership and catalysing opportunities.
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